Levi Taylor - Soundtrack Composer

Twice Michigan Emmy-nominated composer, Levi writes music for the University of Michigan, and the internationally acclaimed piano method Faber & Faber, while also keeping a busy teaching and performance schedule. His music has served as the backdrop for film and television shows like the General Motors sponsored ‘First in Robotics’ competition, the Emmy award-winning documentary, ‘Racing the Sun’ and recently, the University of Michigan’s highly anticipated 2017 bicentennial commencement speech, which marked the university’s 200th anniversary. Prior to creating his music business in SE Michigan, Levi spent three years teaching English and touring as a keyboardist in Fukushima Japan with the late, great Norihido Endo of the blues band, Mascotts and the award-winning gospel group, the Aizu Mass Choir. Those 3 years in Japan living, learning, and being lovingly embraced as an other amongst others reminds Levi to this day how quickly our differences fade when we willingly come together and simply listen to each other’s stories.