Saeid Mirafzali - Executive Producer

Saeid entered the field of medicine with the desire to serve all people - regardless of race, gender, nationality, religion, or socio-economic class. This same passion led him and his wife to serve in China for eleven years as doctors. “Being a ‘foreigner’ in China, I experienced first-hand what it felt like to be the “other.” I stood out in crowds and felt like I was being prejudged by some of the locals. In the same way that the Chinese are so different to how they are perceived in the West; I noticed the inaccurate assumptions and generalizations by the Chinese regarding Westerners. My family returned to the U.S. determined to bring people together by breaking down the barriers of prejudice, cultivating friendships with people of all backgrounds, celebrating diversity, and emphasizing our commonalities as one human species. This documentary is one attempt to do just that.”